Shift to a higher level
If you are ready to make a shift to a higher level - both in energy and consciousness - then I can help you in the following ways:
- Personal healing sessions - connecting you to your true essence
- Merkaba meditation - using the power of Sacred Geometry
- The Kling Tantra method - the ultimate energy transformation techniques from Tibet.
Over the years I have become known as "The Energy Master". I am the "healer of healers": many of my clients are healers who only trust me to work on their energy as I bring through such a pure energy.
Key principles for me are: Purity * Mastery * Love.
I teach only the highest and most powerful techniques to purify and master your energy.
All this is based on more than 25 years of study, research and intense practice. This has led to new discoveries and techniques that no one else is teaching.
If you are serious about wanting to master your energy, if you are willing t put in the work that is needed than I can help you transform your energy and your life!
I would love to assist you on your journey. Please feel free to contact me and discuss your situation.
With love,

Personal Healing
This is offered online though a video call. I have the ability to "step into" your energy field and feel exactly what is going on inside you. I am then guided to do whatever is needed. Often this involves:
- Connecting you to your pure soul energy
- Removing blocks and traumas
- Rebalancing your chakras and energy field.
Emptiness and Bliss
In my book "Emptiness and Bliss" I describe my Enlightenment experience. I had the unique experience of feeling what happens energetically when you get enlightened. This gives a whole new insight in how to get there. In the book I describe the five core principles of spiritual growth.
It is available on Amazon. Click on the link (or the image on the left) to buy it.